Nimbus Sans L Font

Nimbus Sans L Font

Nimbus Sans L Font is a version of Nimbus Sans using Adobe font sources. It was designed in 1987. The family includes 17 fonts in 5 weights and 2 widths, with Nimbus Sans L Extra Black only available in condensed Roman format.

A subset of Nimbus Sans L, which includes regular and bold weight fonts in all widths and styles, was released under the GPL and AFPL in Type 1 format in 1996 and LPPL in 2009, and is one of several freely licensed fonts offered by URW++.

Although the characters are not the same, Nimbus Sans L has metrics almost identical to Helvetica and Arial. Nimbus Sans L is one of the Ghostscript fonts, a set of free alternatives to the 35 basic PostScript fonts (which include Helvetica).

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